Disturbing piece of news

Apparently, my former boss wants to buy a nude photo of me, one my best friend took a couple of years back and included in his exhibit of nude photographs. No bragging intended there, he asked me only after he asked everyone else and was dismayed to find that they were all busy. Fun experience, if only slightly drafty.

I’ve always thought my ex-boss was a little uptight but now he’s just creeping me out. His staff say his frustrated outbursts at work have been more and more frequent and he’s been seen muttering to himself on more than one occasion. Several employees resigned within a year of his management, including myself, although to be fair, I had already been planning to leave before I even met him. But everyone else who left, did so simply because they couldn’t stand him. He’s not adjusting very well in this country at all. In fact, I think he’s gotten all loony. A few weeks ago, he took special interest when he learned I was applying for that dream job (I mentioned it briefly a few posts back) and even went as far as speculating about my level of happiness in my current job and life in general with a former colleague. For man who has too many things to do and never enough time, he sure spends a lot of it dishing out nasty gossip about his former employees. I would say that it’s a little flattering that he’s still talking about me nearly a year after I left him and his crazy work ethic but I’m not the only deserter he talks about. If the stories I’ve been hearing about him have any truth in them at all, I wouldn’t be surprised at all if he were flown back to France in a straitjacket, disheveled, wild-eyed and occasionally spitting out curses.

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3 Responses to Disturbing piece of news

  1. sparks says:

    ohhh…is he any cute? 🙂

  2. jax says:

    he’s gross!!! he’s a big perv.

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